For example, one person wrote,
ASDA is an amazing organization that does not hesitate to answer'"yes' when asked to volunteer their time, their dogs and their effort whenever they are needed. They do so whether it is for community education, response to natural disasters or to find missing persons. The ASDA's dedication and time is given freely and with heart and passion, and lives are saved and loved ones found as a result. Their recent work with cancer research is another example of their amazing dedication.
While the Top-Rated Awards run through the end of October, ASDA was part of the inaugural group to qualify for the year.
“Savvy donors want to see the impact of their donations more than ever,” said Perla Ni, CEO of GreatNonprofits, “People with direct experience with American Scent Dog have voted that the organization is making a real difference.”
Being on the Top-Rated list gives donors and volunteers more confidence that this is a credible organization. The reviews by volunteers, clients and other donors show the on-the-ground results of this nonprofit. This award is a form of recognition by the community.
You can check out the rest of our reviews on the GreatNonprofits website.
THANK YOU to all of our friends who contributed. We invite everyone to provide feedback throughout the year!